Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 12

Energy Level

something must have clicked last night! I went to bed early (early enough that I was confused to wake up midway through the "night" to see that it was 10)

******** (8/10)



arugula braised in veg stock and lemon zest
zucchini braised in veg stock with ground sage

Oh-la-la ... hating the feeling of being stuffed. One way to dodge tempting "shunned" foods: eat so much else that thinking about food is unpleasant. I keep expecting this to get easier, but it isn't.

mid-morning snack

1/2 mango


steamed tilapia
zucchini braised in veg stock and ground sage

mid-afternoon snack



tilapia & tuna

Evening Snack

mango&milk shake


I am still nowhere near being able to do all my jump-ropes at once - the most I've been able to manage has been about 200 before my feet cramp up (not that I don't appreciate the little breather) and it took me about 15 minutes to do the full 700 this morning. Sigh. I went to the gym this morning to get a little run in because it's still raining out and used the counter-balance chin-up machine instead of doing the incline chin-ups as I've yet to find a good way of doing that at home. Then, forgetting that I'd done them yesterday, an extra set of lunges. No wonder they were so difficult.

My push up bars (you know, if you just transpose 2 letters ...:) arrived. My push-ups have now officially slid from a train wreck to a disaster. I had been warned. And I can see how they help with form and focus ... but they're a disaster on the personal pride/motivation front.

I'm pushing myself, which I like, but I am not enjoying it. Yet.


  1. "I'm pushing myself, which I like, but I am not enjoying it. Yet."

    Beautifully put, and very relatable. Good job on continuing to push yourself, even in the midst of the pride-disaster. That take a lot of fortitude--applause for that!

  2. I still can't get through a hundred without the rope catching on my feet. The thought that I'll ever reach 700 without stopping seems a distant hope. Be proud you can do 200.

  3. I'm there with Nic -- 82 are as many as I've reached at once and you'd have thought I'd done something far bigger what with the self-congratulating.
