Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 32

I woke this morning grumpy. And stayed grumpy pretty much all day.

And you know what bites? It's my own fault.

Last night I just didn't feeling like preparing for a presentation I gave today. So I didn't. So I didn't sleep well, worried about it. So I got up early and started my PCP exercises - fretting about it.

Eventually, I scratched that itch and quit my PCP exercises mid-way through to prepare that damn presentation.

So I was anxious until the presentation was over - and then was tired and grumpy because I knew I had the rest of my exercises to go and was just NOT IN THE MOOD.


On the plus side, I did get a few miles of running in to warm up before the rest of my PCP workout, which did help my mood. Still tired though. Still feel like an ass for doing this to myself.



spinach pie
oatmeal w/yogurt

mid-morning snack



steamed broccoli

mid-afternoon snack



spinach pie

Evening Snack

fruit salad and milk


Running and PCP!

1 comment:

  1. I had a rough start this morning too. The train I usually take to work was not running due to construction. This wouldn't be such a big deal if the damn MTA would have put up a sign stating so. I stood like an idiot letting 3 Q trains go by until the man in the booth finally announced that the B wasn't running. I was a half hour late for a work meeting.

    I was so aggravated and hated everyone and everything. Usually when a morning starts off like this the grrr lasts all day with one bad thing happening after another, but today I made a conscience decision to brush it off and surprisingly the rest of my day went pretty smooth.

    I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
