Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 39

Confession: Yesterday was not a good day for PCP. While at my parents' place in Boston, I allowed myself pancakes as a carb for breakfast and probably ate more than my allowance. But the big whoops was that I planned to do my exercises after my drive back to NJ - but then was headachy, cranky, and tired after the 6 hr drive and just couldn't motivate myself to do it - and then fell off my PCP diet for dinner.

So I'm disappointed and frustrated with myself.

So I got up early this morning to throw myself into my PCP workout. (1 hr, 25 minutes - including travel time to gym, but excluding stretching) and will strive to stay better on track. I suppose that it's a little ...erm.... optimistic to assume that I'd waltz through this project without any problems and failures. Sigh



egg and broccoli in pita

mid-morning snack



steamed broccoli and bokchoi and tuna on wheat pitas

mid-afternoon snack


Dinner&Evening Snack

apple banana egg white
fruit salad and yogurt

Was more tired than hungry. Didn't finish and went to bed


Threw myself into it. I expect to hurt tomorrow.


  1. Nobody waltzes through PCP. If it were that easy there wouldn't be any need FOR the PCP. Carry on! Forget about today, get it right tomorrow.

  2. It's okay. I'm pretty sure we've all had slip-ups on the PCP. I know I had my share! You're doing just great!

  3. Don't be disappointed. There are bad days and good days. And after a 6 hours drive I don,t think it's easy to find the strength to this very hard session of exercises.

    You can do it!
