Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 56

I miss cooking. I also miss having more time to do other things. But, really, I miss cooking. I don't mind the food, per se, on PCP - it helps that I love me my veggies, although I'm not a massive fan of milk and would prefer a less sweet end to my day ...

But I enjoy cooking, find it relaxing, soothing, and fun - and I'm chafing a bit at the restrictions PCP places on my cooking. Baking treats is clearly out - I can get behind baking treats to lavish on others, but to not have any myself? Really takes the fun out of it. The limitations on salt and fat likewise take the fun out of it.

To be honest, perhaps I should just cut myself off from food porn for the rest of the PCP project:
Sigh. Or maybe I can just see it as a challenge and try to find something PCPy to make. Or rummage through my cookbooks and find something to make to bring up to my parents. Or just suck it in and find something else to do to relax.

I did make a loaf of rye bread this morning - mmmmm, fresh baked bread ..... mmmmmm.

Would have been AWESOME with butter.



Rye bread
egg and corn and green beans and artichoke hearts. And that uses up my freezer veggies

mid-morning snack

egg white (with a sprig of cilantro and a splash of cayenne)


beets, beet greens, goat cheese and tuna on rye
broccoli rabe and tomato sauce

mid-afternoon snack



banana. Milk. Egg white.

Evening Snack
pineapple. Egg white.


Just the jumproping - I liked the extra time, but contrary to the last few weeks, didn't really feel the need for a rest day. The fact that spring is in the air helps.


  1. Please experiment and find delicious PCP recipes. I've been dreaming of PCP oat muffins or something like that.
    So cool that you are baking your own bread.
