Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 2

I was much happier this morning to do the exercises first thing - and to realize that I am slowly getting my jump-rope legs under me. After I was done, I had that happy zing that comes from using muscles seldom used. Of course, it was only 9 or so hours after my first round, so that may have had something to do with it.

I'm finding the half-portions more difficult than I expected. Not so much because I'm starving, but because I'm beginning to realize that I don't have terribly regular eating habits and I'm not at all sure how much is a half serving. I am paranoid that I'm cheating. Perhaps I should plan meals that can more easily be split in two.

But I like that I'm starting to pay attention to what I eat.


  1. Hi Heather. Don't worry too much about the food bit at this stage. Patrick says it's more to ease you into things than to start restricting food so early on.

    You'll find out so much more about yourself and food as time goes on! You'll love the PCP! By the way, I LOVE your choice of inspirational person!

  2. Welcome Heather!

    Aw yeah! I have to agree with Naomi. Linda Hamilton in the Terminator movies so rocked!

    Morning exercises are the best! Makes my energy go through the roof for the day!

    You're off to a good start!
