Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 8 - New Diet. You're Kidding. Right?

Patrick sent us an email summarizing what we should have taken away from last week’s half-portion diet. Of the three typical responses, I hit two:

· Hey, I was probably eating too much.

· Hey, I never thought so much about what I was eating.

The restrictions on this (an following) week’s diet are not too much of a surprise. I don’t have a huge sweet tooth (but do need to sweeten my morning oatmeal), but I’m going to miss salt. Sigh. I expect my taste buds will adapt.

But as to how much we’re to eat …

These numbers did not seem intimidating until I actually put together my first breakfast.

You’ve GOT to be kidding me.


1 bowl of steel-cut oatmeal (cooked in apple cider for sweetness and to use it up) with half the milk

1 fried egg

Bell peppers sautéed with cayenne and paprika – and half an avocado because I didn’t have any other vegetables prepared and used up my bell pepper

½ the milk

Wow, that’s an impressive amount of food – easily 3x what I normally eat. Because I was running late, I wolfed down my breakfast and headed to work.

And then got progressively more uncomfortable as my stomach got around to letting my head know how much I’d eaten … and how unhappy it was. I felt a bit ill. The morning snack? Didn’t happen. I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to finish my lunch.

And did I?

Nope. No way.


Arugula, half-avocado, tuna, and bread

I had maybe a little more than half my lunch before I just couldn’t bring myself to eat any more. My Friday workouts are in the evening, because I’m out late Thursday nights – So perhaps I’ll be better able to manage this meal plan after a hard work out – or after I’ve made a meal plan as opposed to trying to eat out of my fridge. But right now … No way. I still ate more than I feel comfortable eating. Blech. I’m looking forward to digesting what I was able to eat and work out.

Mid-afternoon snack?

Didn't happen. I didn't want to throw up during my workout

The workout went pretty well, and while I like the pick-me-up in the evening, I wish I'd had the time in the morning. Since Patrick said the jump-roping was meant to be all in a row ... I gave it my best shot, but my lungs just aren't there right now. That and my arches began to cramp up. The inclined pull-ups will have to be a no go until either I find some place in the neighborhood where I can do them, or Patrick suggests a work-around.


Quinoa cooked in vegetable stock with a spoonful of Thai green curry and a few stalks of lemongrass

steamed Tilapia

Avocado and cabbage.

Nearly finished. But I wanted to stop after it was 1/3 eaten.

Evening snack?

I don’t think so. I’m going to have a hard time with this one, as I get home between 5 and 6 and go to bed at around 8 …. (I get up at about 4 – I’m a morning person, what can I say?) I may have to start taking my dinner to work so I can eat it before I go home ...

I’m going to bed now – I’m getting up at 3 for a 6 hour drive up to Boston to visit my folks, who aren’t doing so well. I’ll try to manage this diet the best I can in the next day or two but may just stick to shunning the things I ought to shun.

I should be able to manage most of the work outs, with the possible exception of the incline pull-ups.


  1. Hello fellow morning person! I get up an hour after you. And go to bed around the same time! I have to say your breakfast looks great!

  2. Heh, that was my first reaction to the food I had to eat in the morning. And I enjoy your photos and lists of what you've eaten - some ideas there I can use too.

  3. You gotta eat Heather. Eat eat eat! The fullness your feeling isn't true fullness, it's because what you're eating has so much water content. Do your best, try to get this right!

  4. I'm trying! How important is it to eat it all in discrete meals? (as opposed to continuous grazing?
