Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 3

Well here is the reason I'm doing PCP:

I'm not very comfortable posting this picture.

That is inaccurate. I'm pretty damn uncomfortable posting this picture, but I'm posting it anyway. Lying to myself about how I've let myself slide out of shape and over-weight just makes it easier to find excuses not to do anything about it. I want to remind myself what I'm working towards, and I think some straight-up honesty will help.

I'm going to steal Marissa's approach of PCP blogging; right now I'm thinking about this project as a diet project and as an exercise project.


I'm pretty sure I blew the half-portions yesterday. I will note that I set the bar pretty high for myself, but even accounting for that ... I think I strayed.

So I'm learning that I should pay more attention to what I eat. My eating habits are a mixture of good and bad.

The good:
I eat a lot of vegetables
I don't eat a lot of meat
I eat practically no processed food
I do not have a particularly strong sweet tooth

The bad:
I tend to eat when bored
I tend to eat when tired
I tend to comfort eat
If something tastes good, I don't stop when I'm full
It takes a long time before my stomach lets my head know that I'm done.
I have a weakness for the salty and fatty. (Cheese, glorious cheese ... )

If I can learn moderation - and the world doesn't stop spinning - I'll be ok.


So that happy zing of yesterday became a slight soreness today. Which I like. I've missed that reminder that I've been pushing myself. Probably because I haven't been - lazy me.

Jumping rope is getting easier - even though we added a few hops today. This is 100% my getting more efficient and 0% getting stronger. I noticed, when I accidentally did a set with a double hop, that I found it easier to double hop than single hop. Which made me realize I was putting more effort into my single hops than I needed to.

Push-ups, on the other hand... they're still ugly. Possibly getting uglier.


  1. Man, my pushups are ugly. Are you using the bars?

  2. My press-ups are pretty awful too - I think I used to have upper body strength at some point, I just can't remember when. I'm using the bars which seems to make things a bit easier. I'm looking forward to getting better at them.

  3. Ugly push-ups--me too. Even at my fittest points, my push-ups have always been... well, ugly is probably a pretty good descriptor. For now, I'm just counting it as a success that I'm doing them. I'll worry about pretty later. :) Congrats on Day 3!

  4. In a few weeks you'll LOVE that you posted that picture, I promise!
