Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 20

Am I the only one having trouble managing the time investment? I mean, the time spent washing dishes, measuring, working out, eating ... I feel like there must be a better way of managing this, but not being able to eyeball the masses - or find a way to make an all one dish sort of dish - I feel like I'm making too many steps.



milky tea
egg, soft scrambled
steamed broccoli rabe

mid-morning snack



cabbage and a little avocado (well, not together)

mid-afternoon snack



squash soup
sesame rice balls (ok, so they were packaged. But they don't have any ingredients I can't pronounce or excess salt)

Evening Snack

Mango, Peach, and milk shake


Had a great workout this morning in the early morning snow - and had a nice run in too! But I can't wait for the days to get light enough to run on the streets ...


  1. Everyday you're getting a little better, shaving off a minute here and there with efficiencies. In a few weeks you'll see the results of this. But it'll always be a time commitment. Once you've got your body where you want it you'll be able to switch to a much easier "maintenance mode" so it's not forever. Just 70 more days!

  2. I feel you, Heather. I had a TERRIBLE time finding balance in the first two or three weeks. I eventually fell into a happy routine, but I had to cut back on my extracurricular activities and actually schedule free time for myself so I wasn't on overdrive all the time. I always made dinner in bulk so I could prepare the next day's lunch, snacks, and part of breakfast (salad) ahead of time. It helps to keep a big bowl of greens ready in the fridge with tupperwares of steamed veg so you can make an instant salad. (Arugula with steamed sweet potato or butternut squash plus avocado and a hard-boiled egg was a fave.)

    But mostly—don't worry. It gets easier! You'll figure out the little shortcuts that work for you. Another important point: never rest more than the allotted time b/w can definitely lengthen your workout.

  3. Me too. I also spend so much time in the kitchen and some days I am specially clumsy and I make an even bigger mess.
    The other aspect is that I don't like to repeat meals. It gets hard when I have the same vegetable for breakfast and lunch, so thinking about variations is more work.
    Lately I have been thinking that it would help to have some home made vinaigrettes, tomato puree, chopped herbs ready to quickly finish raw or lightly grilled vegetables... (but wait, this means more kitchen time!!! :P)
