Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 18


I am realizing either a) I didn't eat very much protein before PCP or b) PCP diet calls for a lot of protein!

Also - while I like seafood, it does not re-heat well.

And I'd like to echo Mickey's sentiments ... I feel like I'm cooking, washing-up, cooking, washing-up, rinse and repeat. I need to learn to balance the food prep part of PCP.


oatmeal cooked in cider
spinach and egg pie

mid-morning snack

grilled pineapple


lunch is the biggest meal of the day ... and I think it's still just a hair more food than I'm comfortable eating in one sitting.

whole wheat pasta
calamari and clams cooked with a spoonful of curry paste
broccoli soup

confession: my officemate baked me a chocolate cake for my birthday. I had two large bites.

mid-afternoon snack

grilled pineapple


whole wheat pasta &
poached chicken, cooked ala Mark Bittman in resultant chicken broth
braised cabbage

Evening Snack

mango and milk shake


I did all my jumpropes in a row! Well, stopping often for tripping over the rope ... but no breaks!

We won't discuss the shameful state of my push-ups. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! That spinach and egg pie looks absolutely delicious! I think I'll need to add that to my breakfast meals!

    As for the chocolate cake: I won't tell anyone!
