Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 43

No jumproping for me today - it wasn't so much the snow, as it was the ice and gusting winds. So I went to the gym. Where I know I could have jumproped, but there aren't any handy markers there for helping me count, so I treated myself with half and hour of intervals before tackling the rest of the PCP exercises.

I could only manage 1 un-interrupted 50 sec plank session. Oi! Those are hard! I guess it'll be months before I'd be able to manage these:

It is a one minute plank done as follows:

The first twenty seconds, the right leg is raised as high as it can be raised towards the ceiling…an Arabesque right leg, if you will. Without leaving the plank position, do the next twenty seconds with the left leg Arabesque position. Finally, do twenty seconds of the plank. This is how to increase your life: that minute will feel like forever.

And I'm still growling at the push-ups. Of the 48 assigned, I had to do 18 of them on my knees, and the expression on my face and the whimpering/grunts ... good thing I couldn't see myself is all I'm say'in ...

While my weekly photo continues to disappoint ... my clothes are looser, I'm losing weight and, excluding the soreness inevitable somewhere everyday, I'm feeling GREAT! I'm almost at the point where I'm enjoying pushing myself. Almost. Not as resistant, anyway. And I'm not (generally) as hungry as I thought I'd be. Though I am excited to not have to weigh out my lunch veggies(yay!) and still really miss salt.


zucchini and broccoli
milky coffee
mid-morning snack
egg white - wow. that is NOT A LOT eating nothing would be easier
broccoli rabe (yum), spinach, & red-pepper
mid-afternoon snack

had dinner out with friends before seeing Black Grace (FANTASTIC - those dancers are Athletes!) - sashimi.
Evening Snack


  1. Those planks.... 50 seconds were never so long!

    What a lovely Friday night you had. Those dancers are marvelous, I wish I could float like that.

  2. I agree - 50 seconds can suddenly stretch into an eternity. You can tell we are heading for the full 60 seconds. Photos really don't tell the entire story, and I'm glad you are seeing the results for yourself. And yes! I know what you mean about feeling great; I do to.
