Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 24

Last night my elbow ached every so often and this morning my shoulders and back are sore and I want to be lazy. In my pre-PCP life, I always gave myself rest days. But rest days didn't mean light days, they meant completely lazy days - and I miss them.


Today my food fell a bit off schedule. I didn't want to eat before my workout, and puttered around for a bit, procrastinating, before I did it - so it was 11 before I had breakfast, and I was STARVING. I still felt hungry afterwards, but went to work on a project and then wasn't hungry again until 2, at which point I was only sort of hungry. Sigh. Then I was starving again. Totally out of whack today.


egg with charred poblano chili
cabbage (not really breakfast material, but it was there already cooked and I was lazy)
small, only slightly burnt croissant unearthed from the depths of my freezer.

mid-morning snack

forgot and missed


squash soup
steamed tilapia

mid-afternoon snack

grilled pineapple


chicken and broccoli soup

Evening Snack

strawberry and peach and milk shake


Had to push myself into it this morning, grumbling because I wanted to be lazy, my toes hurt (raw skin, probably from prancing around in the snow with wrong-size boots on), and so on. I began to feel back into it at about jumprope 700. My knee felt tight and sore after the squats but a half mile of light jogging on the treadmill loosened it up and it feels fine now. We'll see how it feels tomorrow.

That plank thing is a lot tougher than it looks.

1 comment:

  1. Like you said, it's key to know that your body will get into it after a few hundred jumps. We tend to project how we feel now infinitely into the future. Trust that if you can just get the workout started, you'll suddenly feel like working out. It works everytime!
