Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 35

Wow. Over a third the way through our PCP already - and I'm fighting the crave. I don't crave anything in particular ... I'm just shaking the bars of my cell, saying I don't want to be here anymore. We had lunch brought into the office yesterday and I looked at the pizza and felt ENVY. I didn't particularly want a piece of pizza. In fact I actively didn't (it's greasy), but ... I envied the ability to just have a slice.

I think that what I am really struggling with is the time lost to PCP, which is making me feel a bit caged. Especially this week, since I had a full weekend and didn't prep my meals for the week.

On the plus side, I'm feeling thinner and stronger, although I can't really see the difference yet. My pants are looser in the waist, but a little more snug in the thighs.



Rice, broccoli egg stir-fry

mid-morning snack

yogurt (plain w/marmalade)


steamed broccoli and bok choi

mid-afternoon snack

yogurt (plain w/marmalade)


broccoli, bok-choi, and egg white

Evening Snack

fruit salad and yogurt -and I was STARVING! (even the thought of an iceberg lettuce salad was appealing)


I've ordered a new jumprope - but today I just couldn't face wrestling with tripping all over the place, in the dark, in the cold - so treated myself to running quarter mile intervals at tempo (the pace I'd LIKE to be able to race at but can't) pace.


  1. The human mind can roll with just about anything except being told it CAN'T do something. So what you're feeling is totally normal, and a good sign. Facing your cravings, and seeing them as a healthy mind in action, not a failing, will keep you on the right course.

    Keep blogging it out!

  2. Lady, I feel you.
    Just had an inner brat attack myself.
    Proud of you!

  3. You described it perfectly--I can't really say I want to actually ingest whatever food, but I envy the ability to eat it without thinking twice. And I guess I just kind of envy the ability to eat **at all** without weighing, checking, and thinking so darn much about it.

    I feel you on the time thing too. My workouts take about 90 minutes, and the food prep on top of that--that's a really big chunk of time to give up every day. I get a lot of comfort/support/motivation knowing that there are others going through it too. Doesn't give me the time back, but does let me know I'm not alone.

    Hang in there--you're doing SO well.

    (Also--how awesome that your treat to yourself was a different form of cardio! Not a food cheat, but a run! That's pretty awesome. Just sayin'.)
