Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 50

Fridays are always hard for me - I think I've said that before. I managed to get up early and finish my PCP workout this morning, but at the expense of getting enough sleep :( Before all you monkeys get on my back - I'm making certain to get my PCP workout done early so that I'll be able to go to bed at an appallingly (I hope) early hour this evening. Exercising in the evening is a good way of making getting to bed and sleeping early all but impossible.

I'm going to Boston this weekend to help out my folks - I'm looking forward to a lazy weekend NEXT weekend. Sloth sounds verrrrrry good about now. Fingers crossed that I'll have time on Sunday to get a jump on preparing the week's meals, or next week will be a mess.

Aside from being frazzled and tired, I'm in a pretty good mood. My weight has been slowly dropping. I don't understand why it's not clearly evident in my weekly photo (hated weekly photo), since my clothes are noticeably looser and I'm beginning to think about shopping soon for a belt to hold my pants up. .. which delights me no end :)



egg, zucchini, red bell pepper, and roasted red pepper puree on rye

mid-morning snack

egg white



mid-afternoon snack



banana. milk. Egg white.

Evening Snack

fruit salad and egg white. I like the egg whites!

1 comment:

  1. No difference? Have you lined up your Week 1 and Week 7 photos next to each other?
