Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 63

And boy-oh-boy do I feel the need for a rest day. Although I didn't feel it yesterday (except in my stomach) my muscles were a little sore this morning - and I'm just generally feeling worn down. I went to bed a little earlier last night, exhausted, and then frustratingly found it more difficult than usual to fall asleep (To be fair, sleeping might very well be my super-power, so more difficult to fall asleep probably meant about 20 minutes), and then I found it difficult to pull myself out of bed this morning. So a slightly more leisurely morning really hit the spot.

This has been a very busy week, so I'm really looking forward to the weekend!



couscous cooked with and egg and tarragon
spinach with garlic, cayenne, and ginger on the side. (used a little too much ginger ... meh)

mid-morning snack

egg white and red bell pepper


arugula and chicken on chapati with avocado
arugula and avocado salad

mid-afternoon snack



banana. Milk. Egg white. Sigh

Evening Snack

pineapple. Egg white

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