Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 71

I have to say that I'm super excited with the change to my dinner plans! No more all-white meals! hurrah! Unfortunately with the new diet, there is also more food ... which means ...

Dum Dum DUM...

More exercises.

I fully expect my arms to fall off tomorrow. Or perhaps later today. In which case, for my next set of arms, I want a stronger set.

I should also like to note that my jump rope has thinned considerably where it strikes the pavement, and I'm beginning to suspect that I'll be on jump rope number 3 by the end of PCP. I'm getting better at the cross-overs, but the doubles ... not so much. Shivani talked about what it feels like to be in the zone - while I can't speak to what it feels like to look forward to jump roping (except by analogy to what it's like to look forward to a run) but I am totally in-sync with her about the marvel of being in a new body. I know we've been at this for a little over two months, but while that's not no time at all, it still seems like nowhere near enough time for the changes I'm registering in myself. Especially as it seems as though most of the changes have occurred in the last few weeks. I'm shrinking faster than I ever imagined I would, and have been pulling out clothes from the back of my closet that fell into the "hope-I'll-wear-again-someday, but-feel-like-I'm-holding-onto-them-just-to-hold-onto-the-hope" category and finding them loose on me. Not losing weight so fast, though. Before I began the project, I had a hoped-for weight at the end. I've revised that - UP. With the added muscle mass, I no longer think my initial hopes are sensible.


Unfortunately, this means I'm very shortly going to need to go clothes shopping. Which I loathe (in this respect, I am so not a girl).
Before I began this project, I would occasionally think of the vast array of health/exercise books in the bookstore and wonder about the authors and their wild enthusiasm for their topic. Now I understand a bit better. It feels amazing to be in a strong and healthy body, with a good diet and exercise routine in place, to be where I am now. No wonder they want to share.

Note: After writing the above, I was struck by the forewarned temptation to let up because I feel I'm doing so well. Yay veggies for keeping me in check.


Post PCP snack

egg white and yogurt


egg, couscous, red bell pepper, corn

I left the house in a rush and forgot to drink my milk. come to think of it - I ran out of milk making yogurt last night.

mid-morning snack



chicken on rye with avocado as a spread (with an egg - I ran out of other protein)
red bell pepper (a little, not so hungry after the carbs and protein)

mid-afternoon snack



Egg whites, mushrooms, bell pepper and corn

Evening Snack

Egg white. Peach milkshake


  1. Sounds like your metabolism and muscle mass have hit that tipping point where they're doing the majority of your fat burning for you.

    Glad to see you've stopped caring about how much you weigh! That's a big deal!

  2. Yeah! New clothes shopping! I'm so looking forward to this too. Congratulations on your hot new muscles!
