Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 67 - 48 bpm, baby

Another day, another PCP workout under my belt. I actually think that I'm beginning to get used to pushing myself.

It was a delightful weekend - but my skin and eyes are telling me that allergies have come early this year and perhaps it's a good thing I'll be breathing filtered air at work today.

I missed my mid-morning snack today because I was getting my biennial physical for work. Grr. You'd think that they'd see me within an hour of my appointment but noooo.... and the x-ray technician wasn't there so I have to go back tomorrow. What a waste of time. On the plus side, everything checked out excellent and my pulse was measured at 48 bpm - which surprised the doctor who measured it again and found about the same thing. I'm pretty sure that's lower than it's ever been. Ever. I'm not in any rush to get it lower, either. How low can you go without being, you know, DEAD?


Post PCP snack

egg white and yogurt


egg and brown rice
steamed sugar snap peas

mid-morning snack

whoops, missed


green pepper stuffed with rice and chicken
arugula salad

mid-afternoon snack

egg white

and an odd thing happened - our office brings in bagels and cream cheese for all on Mondays and my officemate had half a toasted bagel ... and I was not even remotely tempted! Maybe new habits are setting in!


banana. Milk. Egg white (cooked in chicken stock).

Evening Snack

egg white


  1. 48 BPM, sounds like the pulse of an athlete, WHICH YOU NOW ARE! That's super cool.

  2. congrats on the progress!! You have transformed! Keep up the amazing work.
