Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 60 - 2/3s through PCP!

Wow - we're 2/3 of the way through PCP! The first third went by really quickly, and I had some doubts that 90 days would be long enough to really cement in some of these good habits. I'll confess that the second third went by a bit more slowly. Which I think is a good thing, on the whole, as it is partly because the novelty was coming off and I'm beginning to see how I'm going to adapt to a new way of living, instead of viewing this as a quick band-aid.

I really want these to cement into habits - so I will feel more comfortable with occasionally stepping out, instead of petrified that I'll fall tumbling back into bad habits.


I was initially excited to have my food allotments ramped up ... but now I've a little sense of deja vu to week 2, when I had a hard time eating all that was on my diet. I'm not really hungry for the bigger mid-morning snack - and it just makes me less hungry for lunch. Although for all I know that could be the plan - we'll see.


egg white after workout
egg and red bell pepper on chapati with wilted arugula and avocado

mid-morning snack

egg white and sugar snap peas


chicken and arugula on rye bread
beet greens

mid-afternoon snack


Dinner (not really hungry)

banana. Milk. Egg white.

Evening Snack

strawberries and egg white


  1. I know how you feel, HeatherLin. I go from being strong in spirit to weak in flesh in the same week. What happens at the end? I want to maintain this habit of good food, lack of junk, exercise and sleep. I can only suggest we trust Patrick and Chen to give us advice when it finishes.

    Think of today, rather than tomorrow!

  2. I'm intrigued by how this 2/3 point is causing so many of us to really start pondering what happens after Day 90. I believe we'll all definitely be prepared for it, though.

    In the meantime--congratulations on going strong through Day 60! :)
